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How does this site work?

This is a user-driven database site.

The ideal user-driven site is one that requires next to no supervision/editing - everything is done by users: Adding, editing and removing information. We are not a totally user driven site, but we are dedicated to staying true to the concept and make that work. The principle of this type of site is to allow the users freedom and provide them with the tools to do things themselves. You'd be amazed at how well that actually works!

The primary advantage of a user-driven site is that it allows for a site with lots of information from various sources, yet that requires few resources to keep running. An example of a successful user-driven site is for an online encyclopedia

This site's status as a reference work is controversial. Its open nature allows vandalism and inaccuracy. It has been criticized for a perceived lack of accountability and authority when compared with for example traditional pedigree databases. Yet it has also become the largest and most up-to-date Crested Database on the net.

All the site's functions are enabled by several databases. A database is a collection of information stored in a computer in a systematic way, such that a computer program can consult it to answer questions. The software used to manage and query a database is known as a database management system (DBMS) and it allows the information stored in the database to be used and presented to the users in a variety of ways.

The databases allow us to organize, extract and utilize the data added by users in a variety of ways and makes a very flexible and effective way of storing and using information.


How do I know the information is correct?

Since the website is primarily user-driven and almost all content is added and edited by users it is, of course, possible for misleading, out of date or incorrect information to be posted. However, because there are so many other people reading the information and monitoring contributions incorrect information is usually corrected quickly. Thus, the overall accuracy of the site is improving all the time as it attracts more and more contributors. You are encouraged to help by correcting and passing on your own knowledge.

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