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RUSCH  British Glori Blue Fortune

: 2000-06-15
: Hairless
N. Zinchenko (British Glori, Russland)
Ivenko Sveta Stacek (Tamerlan Beshtau, Russland)

  • ©Ivenko

  • ©BG_BFortuna

  • ©fortuna

Siblings (5)


British Glori Butterfly
British Glori Beatris
British Glori Best Pharaon
British Glori Berenika
British Glori Blue Fortune

Offspring (20) (Descendents)

dob: 2005-05-22  Sire: British Glori Attenboro

Ch. Tamerlan Beshtau Chto Skrivaet Lozh
Tamerlan Beshtau Chernaja Mest Konkurentam
Tamerlan Beshtau Chestolubiviy Zamisel
Tamerlan Beshtau Chudesniy Son
Tamerlan Beshtau Chrezvichayno Krasiv
Tamerlan Beshtau Chudo Kak Corosh

dob: 2004-05-11  Sire: British Glori Attenboro

Tamerlan Beshtau Upoitelnaja Ljubov
Tamerlan Beshtau Udarnaja Volna Schastja
Tamerlan Beshtau Udacha Vsegda So Mnoy
Tamerlan Beshtau Uspeshniy Proekt
Tamerlan Beshtau Unikalniy Sekret Pobedi
Tamerlan Beshtau Udivitelnaja Belaja Noch
Tamerlan Beshtau Upravljaja Soznaniem

dob: 2003-08-28  Sire: Natan Germanika

Tamerlan Beshtau Sabotaz
Ch. Tamerlan Beshtau Sjurrealizm
duoble posted

dob: 2002-02-03  Sire: British Glori Attenboro

Tamerlan Beshtau Opium
Tamerlan Beshtau Ogon
Tamerlan Beshtau Opiy
Ch. Tamerlan Beshtau Osen dlja Meri Sain

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