Cadiz Peace N Harmony "Harmony" + Nobul cc Bare Derriere "Johnny"

Nobul cc Bare Derriere Chinese Crested
Nobul cc Bare Derriere
Cadiz So You Think You Can Prance Chinese Crested
Cadiz So You Think You Can Prance
Mohawk Stix N Stonz Chinese Crested
Mohawk Stix N Stonz
Crestars Pokerface for Mohawk (Imp Can) Chinese Crested
Crestars Pokerface for Mohawk (Imp Can)
Kimissa Fairy Dust Chinese Crested
Kimissa Fairy Dust
Saxor No Bush on my Toosh Chinese Crested
Saxor No Bush on my Toosh
Liliah Because I Said So Chinese Crested
Liliah Because I Said So
Saxor Voodoo Doll Chinese Crested
Saxor Voodoo Doll
Nobul CC Dancing In The Dark
Xioma Spice Trader Chinese Crested
Xioma Spice Trader
Xioma Fire In The Sky Chinese Crested
AUSTGRANDCH, NZCH 2 X Best In Show & 2X Runner Up Best in Show 1 Best Neuter In Show
Xioma Fire In The Sky
Xioma Saffron Moon Chinese Crested
Xioma Saffron Moon
Xiannu Sky Full of Stars (AI) Chinese Crested
Xiannu Sky Full of Stars (AI)
Sun-Hee's Live and Love Chinese Crested
NZ Ch & Aust Ch
Sun-Hee's Live and Love
Xioma Sorrento Moon Chinese Crested
Aust Neut CH
Xioma Sorrento Moon
Cadiz Peace N Harmony Chinese Crested
Cadiz Peace N Harmony
Glanore Vegas Strip Chinese Crested
Glanore Vegas Strip
Zhannel's Simpatico Chinese Crested
Zhannel's Simpatico
Sasquehanna Zagadek Chinese Crested
Sasquehanna Zagadek
Zhannel's Pinup Girl Chinese Crested
Zhannel's Pinup Girl
Glanore Crestin Black
Lakenta Ride The Storm Trooper Chinese Crested
AUSTCH Supreme Champion
Lakenta Ride The Storm Trooper
Glanore Lucky N Five Chinese Crested
Glanore Lucky N Five
Saxor No Bush on my Toosh Chinese Crested
Saxor No Bush on my Toosh
Liliah Because I Said So Chinese Crested
Liliah Because I Said So
Sherabill Black In Black  Chinese Crested
Sherabill Black In Black
Chinois Deja Vous Chinese Crested
Chinois Deja Vous
Saxor Voodoo Doll Chinese Crested
Saxor Voodoo Doll
Zhannel's Sexational (IMP FIN) Chinese Crested
Zhannel's Sexational (IMP FIN)
Saxor Hanky Panky Chinese Crested
Saxor Hanky Panky
Regenerate pedigree

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