Rhapsody's Star Dust

Fuzipegs Hei-Te Nan-Chueh
Irebri Kung Fu Of Gramacs
Volpecula Krypton At Superlion
Staround Xinto
Staround Veda
Superlion Sweetheart
Sobahn Sebastian At Superlion
Ge-Joel Phoenix Rose Of Denroma
Yorcrechi White Magnolia At Fuzipeg
Minskip Sae Cyril Chinese Crested
Minskip Sae Cyril
Aes Into Dynasty Chinese Crested
Aes Into Dynasty
St. Erme Blush Orchid
Demidoff Tiger Lily Of Yorcrechi Chinese Crested
Demidoff Tiger Lily Of Yorcrechi
Staround Soso Of Demidoff Chinese Crested
Staround Soso Of Demidoff
Demidoff 'O' Sophie Doll
Yorcrechi Symphony Rhapsody
Pekiki Master Class At Yorcrechi
The Masterblaster For Pekiki Chinese Crested
The Masterblaster For Pekiki
Heathermount Victor
Cartergate Anna Chinese Crested
Cartergate Anna
Sandcrest Santoo Tiffi
Jaybiem Copy Cat
Sandcrest Spring Holly
Yorcrechi Winter Bouquet
The Masterblaster For Pekiki Chinese Crested
The Masterblaster For Pekiki
Heathermount Victor
Cartergate Anna Chinese Crested
Cartergate Anna
Demidoff Tiger Lily Of Yorcrechi Chinese Crested
Demidoff Tiger Lily Of Yorcrechi
Staround Soso Of Demidoff Chinese Crested
Staround Soso Of Demidoff
Demidoff 'O' Sophie Doll
Regenerate pedigree

F: 3.85