Madelines Agatha Christie

D'Marca Bare Hu Be Yu Chinese Crested
D'Marca Bare Hu Be Yu
Falconcrest Snafu
Dynasty's Onyx
Gipez's Sun-Ra
Dynasty's Pearl Of The Orient
Falconcrest Oh Taiwan
Mordor Flamingo
Falconcrest Minnie Mouse
Lou-Ell's Nite Mist
Mordor Say Spider
Mordor L'Ono Chinese Crested
Mordor L'Ono
Mordor Maleficent
Mordor Say Lulu
Mordor Allo
Mordor Erika Rose
Erics Magen Bohrer Of Oz
Eric's Excalibur Of Oz
Rodridge Royal Dickerson Chinese Crested
Rodridge Royal Dickerson
Moonswift Mr Wu of Apocodeodar Chinese Crested
Moonswift Mr Wu of Apocodeodar
Moonswift Pussy Galore
Gipez's Shu-Yen Of Oz
Gipez's Hu-Ching SOM Chinese Crested
Gipez's Hu-Ching SOM
Gipez's Zo-Lay
Crest Haven's Mei-Li Of Oz
Miller's Freckles
Staround Millers Raven Of Allegazoo Rivercrest
Rivercrest Lepard Lady
Ne-Chu Kiya Of Crest Haven
Val's Mandingo
Regenerate pedigree

F: 2.14