Jimni Truffles Of Alines

Alines Cee Cee Nevar Chinese Crested
Alines Cee Cee Nevar
Stormin Norman Of Tebroc
Tebroc's Blue Phoenix
Tebroc's Sparkle Plenty Chinese Crested
Tebroc's Sparkle Plenty
Tebroc's Kuai Lien
Stormin'Mai Own At Chrysalis
Sun-A-Ra's Dark Star
Stormin'Mai Ling At Toadhall
Alines Prairie Sweet Pea
Smokey Valleys Lots A Spotsa Chinese Crested
Smokey Valleys Lots A Spotsa
Gormans Ah So At Smokey Valley
Channing Of Smokey Valley
Gail-Dons Achy Breaky Heart Chinese Crested
Gail-Dons Achy Breaky Heart
Beltane Spike Jones
Beltane Bare Leahdog HL Chinese Crested
Beltane Bare Leahdog HL
Alines Bounty Bordeaux
Stormin Norman Of Tebroc
Tebroc's Blue Phoenix
Tebroc's Sparkle Plenty Chinese Crested
Tebroc's Sparkle Plenty
Tebroc's Kuai Lien
Stormin'Mai Own At Chrysalis
Sun-A-Ra's Dark Star
Stormin'Mai Ling At Toadhall
Gail-Dons Kotton Kandy
Smokey Valleys Lots A Spotsa Chinese Crested
Smokey Valleys Lots A Spotsa
Gormans Ah So At Smokey Valley
Channing Of Smokey Valley
Beltane Crazy Horse Chinese Crested
Beltane Crazy Horse
Beltane Mouse
Colboxhall Witch Won
Regenerate pedigree

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